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The Geneskin website


Welcome to this online database dedicated to rare genetic diseases of the skin.

Our mission is to disseminate knowledge about these disorders and improve their diagnosis, treatment, and care.


This website provides a general area for patients, their relatives and the general public to learn about these diseases. We also offer a more specific area, 'Information for Professionals', with additional details for medical practitioners.


By providing information, we strive to support individuals affected by genodermatoses and the healthcare professionals who care for them.

Explore Geneskin today to learn more about genetic skin diseases and find helpful information and resources.


Ectodermal Dysplasias

AEC-, ADULT-, Clouston-, Naegeli syndrome, Incontinentia pigmenti

Connective Tissue

Ehlers Danlos syndrome, Marfan syndrome, Cutis laxa, Pseudoxanthoma elasticum

Epithelial Adhesion

Epidermolysis bullosa, Kindler syndrome

DNA Repair Disorders

Xeroderma pigmentosum, Cockayne syndrome, UV sensitive syndrome, Trichothiodystrophy

Keratinization Disorders

Ichthyosis, Darier's disease, Monilethrix, Netherton syndrome, Pachyonychia congenita




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  This website is supported by the EDF, European Dermatology Forum and its corporate partners